ErrorException {#278 
  #message: "Undefined index: result"
  #code: 0
  #file: "/www/wwwroot/"
  #line: 790
  #severity: E_NOTICE
  -trace: array:47 [
    0 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleError()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:5 [
        0 => 8
        1 => "Undefined index: result"
        2 => "/www/wwwroot/"
        3 => 790
        4 => array:33 [
          "id" => "431973"
          "wenjianjia" => "432000"
          "firstnum" => 432
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          "dirname" => "/www/wwwroot/"
          "dirname1" => "/www/wwwroot/"
          "dirname2" => "/www/wwwroot/"
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          "info" => array:1 [
            0 => {#280 
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              +"Name": ""
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              +"TownID": 23008
              +"town": null
              +"county": null
              +"city": null
              +"province": null
              +"sf": null
              +"countyid": null
              +"cityid": null
              +"provinceid": null
              +"lat": ""
              +"lng": ""
          "name1" => ""
          "townid" => 23008
          "townname" => null
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          "cityid" => null
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          "provinceid" => null
          "provincename" => null
          "lng" => ""
          "lat" => ""
          "tianqi" => ""
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          "xiashu" => array:53 [
            0 => {#281 
              +"ID": 431971
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            1 => {#282 
              +"ID": 431972
              +"Name": ""
            2 => {#283 
              +"ID": 431973
              +"Name": ""
            3 => {#284 
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              +"Name": "赵祠村"
            4 => {#285 
              +"ID": 431975
              +"Name": "长江村"
            5 => {#286 
              +"ID": 431976
              +"Name": "丰树村"
            6 => {#287 
              +"ID": 431977
              +"Name": "王巷村"
            7 => {#288 
              +"ID": 431978
              +"Name": "跑马村"
            8 => {#289 
              +"ID": 431979
              +"Name": "羿岭村"
            9 => {#290 
              +"ID": 431980
              +"Name": "阮堤村"
            10 => {#291 
              +"ID": 431981
              +"Name": "高堤村"
            11 => {#292 
              +"ID": 431982
              +"Name": "连湾村"
            12 => {#293 
              +"ID": 431983
              +"Name": "宋河村"
            13 => {#294 
              +"ID": 431984
              +"Name": "李棚村"
            14 => {#295 
              +"ID": 431985
              +"Name": "东张村"
            15 => {#296 
              +"ID": 431986
              +"Name": "西张村"
            16 => {#297 
              +"ID": 431987
              +"Name": "双石村"
            17 => {#298 
              +"ID": 431988
              +"Name": "庄屋村"
            18 => {#299 
              +"ID": 431989
              +"Name": "付梁村"
            19 => {#300 
              +"ID": 431990
              +"Name": "李沟村"
            20 => {#301 
              +"ID": 431991
              +"Name": "冠沟村"
            21 => {#302 
              +"ID": 431992
              +"Name": "孙桥村"
            22 => {#303 
              +"ID": 431993
              +"Name": "乃湾村"
            23 => {#304 
              +"ID": 431994
              +"Name": "花园村"
            24 => {#305 
              +"ID": 431995
              +"Name": "中月村"
            25 => {#306 
              +"ID": 431996
              +"Name": "朱塔村"
            26 => {#307 
              +"ID": 431997
              +"Name": "北港村"
            27 => {#308 
              +"ID": 431998
              +"Name": "李莫村"
            28 => {#309 
              +"ID": 431999
              +"Name": "沈黄村"
            29 => {#310 
              +"ID": 432000
              +"Name": "仁义村"
            30 => {#311 
              +"ID": 432001
              +"Name": "中南村"
            31 => {#312 
              +"ID": 432002
              +"Name": "中北村"
            32 => {#313 
              +"ID": 432003
              +"Name": "军李村"
            33 => {#314 
              +"ID": 432004
              +"Name": "崔岭村"
            34 => {#315 
              +"ID": 432005
              +"Name": "新张村"
            35 => {#316 
              +"ID": 432006
              +"Name": "周湖村"
            36 => {#317 
              +"ID": 432007
              +"Name": "麦斋村"
            37 => {#318 
              +"ID": 432008
              +"Name": "王铺村"
            38 => {#319 
              +"ID": 432009
              +"Name": "周刘村"
            39 => {#320 
              +"ID": 432010
              +"Name": "江十村"
            40 => {#321 
              +"ID": 432011
              +"Name": "仓市村"
            41 => {#322 
              +"ID": 432012
              +"Name": "瞿铺村"
            42 => {#323 
              +"ID": 432013
              +"Name": "芦陵村"
            43 => {#324 
              +"ID": 432014
              +"Name": "城建村"
            44 => {#325 
              +"ID": 432015
              +"Name": "民主村"
            45 => {#326 
              +"ID": 432016
              +"Name": "乡钥村"
            46 => {#327 
              +"ID": 432017
              +"Name": "杜上村"
            47 => {#328 
              +"ID": 432018
              +"Name": "细河村"
            48 => {#329 
              +"ID": 432019
              +"Name": "建设村"
            49 => {#330 
              +"ID": 432020
              +"Name": "余杨村"
            50 => {#331 
              +"ID": 432021
              +"Name": "瞿吴村"
            51 => {#332 
              +"ID": 432022
              +"Name": "青山村"
            52 => {#333 
              +"ID": 432023
              +"Name": "迎接村"
          "towninfo" => {#335 
            +"ID": 23008
            +"Name": "朱河镇"
            +"englishname": "zhuhezhen"
            +"Code": "101"
            +"CountyID": 1756
            +"county": "监利县"
            +"city": "荆州市"
            +"province": "湖北省"
            +"sf": 1
            +"cityid": 180
            +"provinceid": 17
            +"jds": null
            +"lat": "29.736698075354"
            +"lng": "113.09990452917"
            +"oldtime": 1592559620
            +"content": "监利县公安局刘敏政治部副主任是什么级别+++省委员会原纪委办公室应在一级机构,正处级主任,是副处级副主任;但与纪检监察加强,委员会内部器官纪委也升级许多领域,工作人员的副主任,享受局级待遇,随之...+++e467a7575b9538|||谁认识监利县白螺镇先锋村的杨满满女士,个子小小的、四十岁左右,...+++想打听人?可以说这儿没人会清楚知道~不管你的目的是什么,这样的问题在这儿提出,能回答你的人肯定没几个,能提供有用信息更不会有。如果这对你意义重大,只能...+++5c140f1cff8ab9|||湖北省监利县龚场镇水泥协会会长张衡,人称张总!+++问张衡张总多大年龄?衡哥开滴是什么车啊?+++381a708c9f1f12|||监利原县委书记董新发真的又双规了吗?+++升职了。+++7d80ab604f757a|||监利县尺八镇冯王村支部书记吴培胜多次坐牢,贪污贿选,仗着后台...+++只要掌握一个证据,就可向上级纪检监察部门和人民检察院投诉控告,进而查出所犯违法犯罪,这类小苍蝇,会受到法律的处罚。+++5656ee7e26cc93|||珠海至荆州市监利县物流公司有哪些,最好是可以到朱河镇的+++没错,湖北荆州监利县朱河镇新张村5组万兰华,专门骗取朋友和同事的钱财,就是这个人,请大家匆再上当受骗。+++5a60a4e38015eb|||前几年的监利县县委书记余日福现在调哪里去了+++卖了我们最好的两所公办高中,卖了我们的人民医院,卖了监利县人民的未来...+++253f59ce723770|||监利县朱河镇有天天快递吗+++有的,你可以打电话到监利县的点,问电话。我前几天就用了一次,他说可以到朱河+++1f9fc127b9849f|||湖北荆红在那+++湖北荆州监利白螺+++e2ed0fe0325d1d|||"
            +"mafengid": 0
            +"news_time": 0
            +"citycode": 0
            +"zipcode": 0
          "wenwen" => "监利县公安局刘敏政治部副主任是什么级别+++省委员会原纪委办公室应在一级机构,正处级主任,是副处级副主任;但与纪检监察加强,委员会内部器官纪委也升级许多领域,工作人员的副主任,享受局级待遇,随之...+++e467a7575b9538|||谁认识监利县白螺镇先锋村的杨满满女士,个子小小的、四十岁左右,...+++想打听人?可以说这儿没人会清楚知道~不管你的目的是什么,这样的问题在这儿提出,能回答你的人肯定没几个,能提供有用信息更不会有。如果这对你意义重大,只能...+++5c140f1cff8ab9|||湖北省监利县龚场镇水泥协会会长张衡,人称张总!+++问张衡张总多大年龄?衡哥开滴是什么车啊?+++381a708c9f1f12|||监利原县委书记董新发真的又双规了吗?+++升职了。+++7d80ab604f757a|||监利县尺八镇冯王村支部书记吴培胜多次坐牢,贪污贿选,仗着后台...+++只要掌握一个证据,就可向上级纪检监察部门和人民检察院投诉控告,进而查出所犯违法犯罪,这类小苍蝇,会受到法律的处罚。+++5656ee7e26cc93|||珠海至荆州市监利县物流公司有哪些,最好是可以到朱河镇的+++没错,湖北荆州监利县朱河镇新张村5组万兰华,专门骗取朋友和同事的钱财,就是这个人,请大家匆再上当受骗。+++5a60a4e38015eb|||前几年的监利县县委书记余日福现在调哪里去了+++卖了我们最好的两所公办高中,卖了我们的人民医院,卖了监利县人民的未来...+++253f59ce723770|||监利县朱河镇有天天快递吗+++有的,你可以打电话到监利县的点,问电话。我前几天就用了一次,他说可以到朱河+++1f9fc127b9849f|||湖北荆红在那+++湖北荆州监利白螺+++e2ed0fe0325d1d"
          "wenwensz" => array:9 [
            0 => "监利县公安局刘敏政治部副主任是什么级别+++省委员会原纪委办公室应在一级机构,正处级主任,是副处级副主任;但与纪检监察加强,委员会内部器官纪委也升级许多领域,工作人员的副主任,享受局级待遇,随之...+++e467a7575b9538"
            1 => "谁认识监利县白螺镇先锋村的杨满满女士,个子小小的、四十岁左右,...+++想打听人?可以说这儿没人会清楚知道~不管你的目的是什么,这样的问题在这儿提出,能回答你的人肯定没几个,能提供有用信息更不会有。如果这对你意义重大,只能...+++5c140f1cff8ab9"
            2 => "湖北省监利县龚场镇水泥协会会长张衡,人称张总!+++问张衡张总多大年龄?衡哥开滴是什么车啊?+++381a708c9f1f12"
            3 => "监利原县委书记董新发真的又双规了吗?+++升职了。+++7d80ab604f757a"
            4 => "监利县尺八镇冯王村支部书记吴培胜多次坐牢,贪污贿选,仗着后台...+++只要掌握一个证据,就可向上级纪检监察部门和人民检察院投诉控告,进而查出所犯违法犯罪,这类小苍蝇,会受到法律的处罚。+++5656ee7e26cc93"
            5 => "珠海至荆州市监利县物流公司有哪些,最好是可以到朱河镇的+++没错,湖北荆州监利县朱河镇新张村5组万兰华,专门骗取朋友和同事的钱财,就是这个人,请大家匆再上当受骗。+++5a60a4e38015eb"
            6 => "前几年的监利县县委书记余日福现在调哪里去了+++卖了我们最好的两所公办高中,卖了我们的人民医院,卖了监利县人民的未来...+++253f59ce723770"
            7 => "监利县朱河镇有天天快递吗+++有的,你可以打电话到监利县的点,问电话。我前几天就用了一次,他说可以到朱河+++1f9fc127b9849f"
            8 => "湖北荆红在那+++湖北荆州监利白螺+++e2ed0fe0325d1d"
          "jd" => array:16 [
            0 => {#336 
              +"id": 55816
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205161409183.jpg"
              +"title": "巴黎人剧场"
            1 => {#337 
              +"id": 56635
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205193506585.jpg"
              +"title": "西环"
            2 => {#338 
              +"id": 56424
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205191812382.jpg"
              +"title": "小小世界"
            3 => {#339 
              +"id": 56639
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205193506984.jpg"
              +"title": "跑马地夜场赛马"
            4 => {#340 
              +"id": 55866
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205161720195.jpg"
              +"title": "美高梅水天幕广场"
            5 => {#341 
              +"id": 56776
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205194535780.jpg"
              +"title": "香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆"
            6 => {#342 
              +"id": 56637
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205193506952.jpg"
              +"title": "终审法院大楼"
            7 => {#343 
              +"id": 55804
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205161306182.jpg"
              +"title": "逸园赛狗会"
            8 => {#344 
              +"id": 55698
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205160015158.jpg"
              +"title": "关前正街"
            9 => {#345 
              +"id": 56582
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205192952897.jpg"
              +"title": "昂坪广场"
            10 => {#346 
              +"id": 56291
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205190429398.jpg"
              +"title": "上窰民俗文物馆"
            11 => {#347 
              +"id": 56778
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205194535811.jpg"
              +"title": "旺角"
            12 => {#348 
              +"id": 56178
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205185243913.jpg"
              +"title": "北潭涌远足研习径"
            13 => {#349 
              +"id": 56772
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205194535944.jpg"
              +"title": "维多利亚港"
            14 => {#350 
              +"id": 56199
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205185450340.jpg"
              +"title": "觉士道儿童游乐场"
            15 => {#351 
              +"id": 55904
              +"imgdate": 20181205
              +"imgurl": "20181205162029542.jpg"
              +"title": "大炮台"
          "article" => array:9 [
            0 => {#352 
              +"title": "湖北荆红在那"
              +"content": """
                这个    荆红  到底是怎么呢 ?\n
              +"url": "e2ed0fe0325d1d"
            1 => {#353 
              +"title": "监利县朱河镇有天天快递吗"
              +"content": """
              +"url": "1f9fc127b9849f"
            2 => {#354 
              +"title": "前几年的监利县县委书记余日福现在调哪里去了"
              +"content": """
              +"url": "253f59ce723770"
            3 => {#355 
              +"title": "珠海至荆州市监利县物流公司有哪些,最好是可以到朱河镇的"
              +"content": """
                没错,湖北荆州监利县朱河镇新张村5组 万兰华,专门骗取朋友和同事的钱财,就是这个人,请大家匆再上当受骗。|||从珠海上冲检查站进来200米右边是珠海最大的物流货运市场集散地,大概有几十家物流公司\n
              +"url": "5a60a4e38015eb"
            4 => {#356 
              +"title": "监利县尺八镇冯王村支部书记吴培胜多次坐牢,贪污贿选,仗着后台..."
              +"content": """
                打电话投诉,荆州市长办公室电话071612345保证搞定|||市长邮箱 直接写信投诉,|||绝对是真的,鸡毛蒜皮的事都管,我投诉过几次了|||先投诉荆州市,问题太大搞不定就投诉到省,绝对没有搞不定的。|||您好!根据宪法 第四十一条  中华人民共和国公民对于任何国家机关和国家工作人员,有提出批评和建议的权利;对于任何国家机关和国家工作人员的违法失职行为,有向有关国家机关提出申诉、控告或者检举的权利,但是不得捏造或者歪曲事实进行诬告陷害。\n
              +"url": "5656ee7e26cc93"
            5 => {#357 
              +"title": "监利原县委书记董新发真的又双规了吗?"
              +"content": "嗯|||升职了。|||"
              +"url": "7d80ab604f757a"
            6 => {#358 
              +"title": "湖北省监利县龚场镇水泥协会会长张衡,人称张总!"
              +"content": """
              +"url": "381a708c9f1f12"
            7 => {#359 
              +"title": "谁认识监利县白螺镇先锋村的杨满满女士,个子小小的、四十岁左右,..."
              +"content": """
              +"url": "5c140f1cff8ab9"
            8 => {#360 
              +"title": "监利县公安局刘敏政治部副主任是什么级别"
              +"content": "我认识她,采呐我帮你联系她|||省委员会原纪委办公室应在一级机构,正处级主任,是副处级副主任;但与纪检监察加强,委员会内部器官纪委也升级许多领域,工作人员的副主任,享受局级待遇,随之而来的可能是正处级副主任。|||"
              +"url": "e467a7575b9538"
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    1 => array:3 [
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            0 => "GET"
            1 => "HEAD"
          #action: array:6 [
            "domain" => ""
            "uses" => "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@village"
            "controller" => "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@village"
            "namespace" => "App\Http\Controllers"
            "prefix" => null
            "where" => []
          #defaults: []
          #wheres: []
          #parameters: array:1 [
            "id" => "431973"
          #parameterNames: array:1 [
            0 => "id"
          #compiled: CompiledRoute {#255 
            -variables: array:1 [
              0 => "id"
            -tokens: array:3 [
              0 => array:2 [
                0 => "text"
                1 => ".html"
              1 => array:4 [
                0 => "variable"
                1 => "/"
                2 => "[^/\.]++"
                3 => "id"
              2 => array:2 [
                0 => "text"
                1 => "/village"
            -staticPrefix: "/village"
            -regex: "#^/village/(?P<id>[^/\.]++)\.html$#sD"
            -pathVariables: array:1 [
              0 => "id"
            -hostVariables: []
            -hostRegex: "#^www\.xcditu\.com$#sDi"
            -hostTokens: array:1 [
              0 => array:2 [
                0 => "text"
                1 => ""
          #container: Application {#3 
            #basePath: "/www/wwwroot/"
            #hasBeenBootstrapped: true
            #booted: true
            #bootingCallbacks: []
            #bootedCallbacks: array:1 [
              0 => Closure {#99 
                class: "Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\RouteServiceProvider"
                this: RouteServiceProvider {#87 
                  #namespace: "App\Http\Controllers"
                  #app: Application {#3}
                  #defer: false
                use: array:1 [
                  "$router" => Router {#24 …}
                file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                line: "33 to 35"
            #terminatingCallbacks: []
            #serviceProviders: array:18 [
              0 => EventServiceProvider {#2 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              1 => RoutingServiceProvider {#7 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              2 => AuthServiceProvider {#30 …}
              3 => ControllerServiceProvider {#49 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              4 => CookieServiceProvider {#51 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              5 => DatabaseServiceProvider {#53 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              6 => EncryptionServiceProvider {#60 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              7 => FilesystemServiceProvider {#62 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              8 => FormRequestServiceProvider {#68 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              9 => FoundationServiceProvider {#67 
                #providers: array:1 [
                  0 => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FormRequestServiceProvider"
                #instances: array:1 [
                  0 => FormRequestServiceProvider {#68 }
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              10 => PaginationServiceProvider {#69 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              11 => SessionServiceProvider {#72 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              12 => ValidationServiceProvider {#76 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              13 => ViewServiceProvider {#80 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              14 => AppServiceProvider {#84 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              15 => AuthServiceProvider {#85 
                #policies: array:1 [
                  "App\Model" => "App\Policies\ModelPolicy"
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              16 => EventServiceProvider {#86 
                #listen: array:1 [
                  "App\Events\SomeEvent" => array:1 [
                    0 => "App\Listeners\EventListener"
                #subscribe: []
                #app: Application {#3}
                #defer: false
              17 => RouteServiceProvider {#87 }
            #loadedProviders: array:18 [
              "Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FormRequestServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FoundationServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider" => true
              "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider" => true
              "App\Providers\AppServiceProvider" => true
              "App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider" => true
              "App\Providers\EventServiceProvider" => true
              "App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider" => true
            #deferredServices: array:84 [
              "" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.clear-compiled" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.command.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.config.cache" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.config.clear" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.console.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.event.generate" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.event.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.down" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.environment" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.handler.command" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.handler.event" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.job.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.key.generate" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.listener.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.model.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.optimize" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.policy.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.provider.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.request.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.route.cache" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.route.clear" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.route.list" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.serve" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.test.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.tinker" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.up" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.vendor.publish" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "command.view.clear" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider"
              "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastManager" => "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Factory" => "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster" => "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider"
              "Illuminate\Bus\Dispatcher" => "Illuminate\Bus\BusServiceProvider"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher" => "Illuminate\Bus\BusServiceProvider"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\QueueingDispatcher" => "Illuminate\Bus\BusServiceProvider"
              "cache" => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
              "" => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
              "memcached.connector" => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
              "command.cache.clear" => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
              "command.cache.table" => "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider"
              "command.auth.resets.clear" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleRunCommand" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "migrator" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "migration.repository" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.migrate" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.migrate.rollback" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.migrate.reset" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.migrate.refresh" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.migrate.install" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.migrate.status" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "migration.creator" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.migrate.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "seeder" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.seed" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.seeder.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "composer" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.queue.table" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.queue.failed" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.queue.retry" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.queue.forget" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.queue.flush" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.queue.failed-table" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.controller.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.middleware.make" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "command.session.database" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider"
              "hash" => "Illuminate\Hashing\HashServiceProvider"
              "mailer" => "Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider"
              "swift.mailer" => "Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider"
              "swift.transport" => "Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline\Hub" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\PipelineServiceProvider"
              "queue" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
              "queue.worker" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
              "queue.listener" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
              "queue.failer" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
              "" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
              "command.queue.listen" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
              "command.queue.restart" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
              "command.queue.subscribe" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
              "queue.connection" => "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider"
              "redis" => "Illuminate\Redis\RedisServiceProvider"
              "auth.password" => "Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider"
              "auth.password.tokens" => "Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider"
              "translator" => "Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider"
              "translation.loader" => "Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider"
            #monologConfigurator: null
            #databasePath: null
            #storagePath: null
            #environmentPath: null
            #environmentFile: ".env"
            #namespace: null
            #resolved: array:31 [
              "events" => true
              "router" => true
              "App\Http\Kernel" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\DetectEnvironment" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\ConfigureLogging" => true
              "env" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterFacades" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterProviders" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders" => true
              "db.factory" => true
              "db" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate" => true
              "url" => true
              "files" => true
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode" => true
              "encrypter" => true
              "App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies" => true
              "cookie" => true
              "Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse" => true
              "session" => true
              "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession" => true
              "view.engine.resolver" => true
              "view.finder" => true
              "view" => true
              "Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession" => true
              "App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken" => true
              "illuminate.route.dispatcher" => true
              "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController" => true
            #bindings: array:37 [
              "events" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#4 
                  class: "Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider"
                  this: EventServiceProvider {#2 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "16 to 20"
                "shared" => true
              "router" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#9 
                  class: "Illuminate\Container\Container"
                  this: Application {#3}
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$container" => []
                  use: array:2 [
                    "$closure" => Closure {#8 …5}
                    "$object" => Router {#24 …}
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "272 to 283"
                "shared" => false
              "url" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#11 
                  class: "Illuminate\Container\Container"
                  this: Application {#3}
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$container" => []
                  use: array:2 [
                    "$closure" => Closure {#10 …5}
                    "$object" => UrlGenerator {#94 …9}
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "272 to 283"
                "shared" => false
              "redirect" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#13 
                  class: "Illuminate\Container\Container"
                  this: Application {#3}
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$container" => []
                  use: array:2 [
                    "$closure" => Closure {#12 …5}
                    "$object" => null
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "272 to 283"
                "shared" => false
              "Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#14 
                  class: "Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider"
                  this: RoutingServiceProvider {#7 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "119 to 121"
                "shared" => false
              "Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#15 
                  class: "Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider"
                  this: RoutingServiceProvider {#7 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "131 to 133"
                "shared" => false
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#16 
                  class: "Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider"
                  this: RoutingServiceProvider {#7 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "143 to 145"
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#17 
                  class: "Illuminate\Container\Container"
                  this: Application {#3}
                  parameters: array:2 [
                    "$c" => []
                    "$parameters" => array:1 [ …1]
                  use: array:2 [
                    "$abstract" => "Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel"
                    "$concrete" => "App\Http\Kernel"
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "217 to 221"
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#18 
                  class: "Illuminate\Container\Container"
                  this: Application {#3}
                  parameters: array:2 [
                    "$c" => []
                    "$parameters" => array:1 [ …1]
                  use: array:2 [
                    "$abstract" => "Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel"
                    "$concrete" => "App\Console\Kernel"
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "217 to 221"
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#19 
                  class: "Illuminate\Container\Container"
                  this: Application {#3}
                  parameters: array:2 [
                    "$c" => []
                    "$parameters" => array:1 [ …1]
                  use: array:2 [
                    "$abstract" => "Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler"
                    "$concrete" => "App\Exceptions\Handler"
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "217 to 221"
                "shared" => true
              "env" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#28 
                  class: "Illuminate\Container\Container"
                  this: Application {#3}
                  use: array:1 [
                    "$value" => "local"
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "1183 to 1185"
                "shared" => false
              "auth" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#21 
                  class: "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
                  this: AuthServiceProvider {#30 …}
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "35 to 42"
                "shared" => true
              "auth.driver" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#41 
                  class: "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
                  this: AuthServiceProvider {#30 …}
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "44 to 46"
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#34 
                  class: "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
                  this: AuthServiceProvider {#30 …}
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "56 to 58"
                "shared" => false
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#35 
                  class: "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
                  this: AuthServiceProvider {#30 …}
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "68 to 72"
                "shared" => true
              "illuminate.route.dispatcher" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#50 
                  class: "Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider"
                  this: ControllerServiceProvider {#49 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "16 to 18"
                "shared" => true
              "cookie" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#52 
                  class: "Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider"
                  this: CookieServiceProvider {#51 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "16 to 20"
                "shared" => true
              "Faker\Generator" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#54 
                  class: "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider"
                  this: DatabaseServiceProvider {#53 }
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "66 to 68"
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#55 
                  class: "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider"
                  this: DatabaseServiceProvider {#53 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "70 to 74"
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\EntityResolver" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#56 
                  class: "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider"
                  this: DatabaseServiceProvider {#53 }
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "84 to 86"
                "shared" => true
              "db.factory" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#57 
                  class: "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider"
                  this: DatabaseServiceProvider {#53 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "43 to 45"
                "shared" => true
              "db" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#58 
                  class: "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider"
                  this: DatabaseServiceProvider {#53 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "50 to 52"
                "shared" => true
              "db.connection" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#59 
                  class: "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider"
                  this: DatabaseServiceProvider {#53 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "54 to 56"
                "shared" => false
              "encrypter" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#61 
                  class: "Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider"
                  this: EncryptionServiceProvider {#60 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "17 to 31"
                "shared" => true
              "files" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#63 
                  class: "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider"
                  this: FilesystemServiceProvider {#62 }
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "28 to 30"
                "shared" => true
              "filesystem" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#64 
                  class: "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider"
                  this: FilesystemServiceProvider {#62 }
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "58 to 60"
                "shared" => true
              "filesystem.disk" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#65 
                  class: "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider"
                  this: FilesystemServiceProvider {#62 }
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "42 to 44"
                "shared" => true
              "" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#66 
                  class: "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider"
                  this: FilesystemServiceProvider {#62 }
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "46 to 48"
                "shared" => true
              "session" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#73 
                  class: "Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider"
                  this: SessionServiceProvider {#72 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "30 to 32"
                "shared" => true
              "" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#74 
                  class: "Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider"
                  this: SessionServiceProvider {#72 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "42 to 49"
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#75 
                  class: "Illuminate\Container\Container"
                  this: Application {#3}
                  parameters: array:2 [
                    "$c" => []
                    "$parameters" => array:1 [ …1]
                  use: array:2 [
                    "$abstract" => "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession"
                    "$concrete" => "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession"
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "217 to 221"
                "shared" => true
              "validation.presence" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#79 
                  class: "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider"
                  this: ValidationServiceProvider {#76 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "64 to 66"
                "shared" => true
              "validator" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#78 
                  class: "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider"
                  this: ValidationServiceProvider {#76 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "43 to 54"
                "shared" => true
              "view.engine.resolver" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#81 
                  class: "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider"
                  this: ViewServiceProvider {#80 }
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "34 to 45"
                "shared" => true
              "view.finder" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#82 
                  class: "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider"
                  this: ViewServiceProvider {#80 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "92 to 96"
                "shared" => false
              "view" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#83 
                  class: "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider"
                  this: ViewServiceProvider {#80 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "106 to 124"
                "shared" => true
              "blade.compiler" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure {#245 
                  class: "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider"
                  this: ViewServiceProvider {#80 }
                  parameters: array:1 [
                    "$app" => []
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "74 to 78"
                "shared" => true
            #instances: array:27 [
              "app" => Application {#3}
              "Illuminate\Container\Container" => Application {#3}
              "events" => Dispatcher {#5 
                #container: Application {#3}
                #listeners: array:2 [
                  "router.matched" => array:1 [
                    0 => array:1 [ …1]
                  "App\Events\SomeEvent" => array:1 [
                    0 => array:1 [ …1]
                #wildcards: []
                #sorted: array:35 [
                  "Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider" => []
                  "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\DetectEnvironment" => []
                  "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\DetectEnvironment" => []
                  "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration" => []
                  "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration" => []
                  "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\ConfigureLogging" => []
                  "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\ConfigureLogging" => []
                  "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions" => []
                  "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions" => []
                  "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterFacades" => []
                  "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterFacades" => []
                  "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterProviders" => []
                  "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FormRequestServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FoundationServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider" => []
                  "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider" => []
                  "App\Providers\AppServiceProvider" => []
                  "App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider" => []
                  "App\Providers\EventServiceProvider" => []
                  "App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider" => []
                  "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterProviders" => []
                  "bootstrapping: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders" => []
                  "bootstrapped: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders" => []
                  "router.before" => []
                  "router.matched" => array:1 [
                    0 => Closure {#89 …4}
                  "illuminate.query" => []
                #firing: []
                #queueResolver: Closure {#6 
                  class: "Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider"
                  this: EventServiceProvider {#2 }
                  use: array:1 [
                    "$app" => Application {#3}
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "17 to 19"
              "path" => "/www/wwwroot/"
              "path.base" => "/www/wwwroot/"
              "path.config" => "/www/wwwroot/"
              "path.database" => "/www/wwwroot/"
              "path.lang" => "/www/wwwroot/"
              "path.public" => "/www/wwwroot/"
              "" => "/www/wwwroot/"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel" => Kernel {#25 …}
              "request" => Request {#40 
                #json: null
                #userResolver: Closure {#249 
                  class: "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
                  this: AuthServiceProvider {#30 …}
                  use: array:1 [
                    "$app" => Application {#3}
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "83 to 85"
                #routeResolver: Closure {#264 
                  class: "Illuminate\Routing\Router"
                  this: Router {#24 …}
                  use: array:1 [
                    "$route" => Route {#109}
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "661 to 663"
                +attributes: ParameterBag {#42 
                  #parameters: []
                +request: ParameterBag {#48 
                  #parameters: []
                +query: ParameterBag {#48 }
                +server: ServerBag {#45 
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                    "SERVER_ADDR" => ""
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                +files: FileBag {#44 
                  #parameters: []
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                  #parameters: []
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                      0 => ""
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                      0 => ""
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                      0 => ""
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                      0 => "no-cache"
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                      0 => "no-cache"
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                      0 => "none"
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                      0 => "?0"
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                    "_token" => "eBrUhC86tLRnsIExvbFY4AZZiNtAafxO7kCZvTdT"
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                    "_sf2_meta" => &28 array:3 []
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                    #files: Filesystem {#97}
                    #path: "/www/wwwroot/"
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              "config" => Repository {#31 
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                    "disks" => array:5 [ …5]
                  "mail" => array:9 [
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                    "password" => null
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                  "database" => array:5 [
                    "fetch" => 8
                    "default" => "mysql"
                    "connections" => array:5 [ …5]
                    "migrations" => "migrations"
                    "redis" => array:2 [ …2]
                  "auth" => array:4 [
                    "driver" => "eloquent"
                    "model" => "App\User"
                    "table" => "users"
                    "password" => array:3 [ …3]
                  "session" => array:12 [
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                    "table" => "sessions"
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                  "compile" => array:2 [
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                    "providers" => []
                  "queue" => array:3 [
                    "default" => "sync"
                    "connections" => array:6 [ …6]
                    "failed" => array:2 [ …2]
                  "cache" => array:3 [
                    "default" => "file"
                    "stores" => array:6 [ …6]
                    "prefix" => "laravel"
                  "broadcasting" => array:2 [
                    "default" => "pusher"
                    "connections" => array:3 [ …3]
                  "app" => array:10 [
                    "debug" => true
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                    "cipher" => "AES-256-CBC"
                    "log" => "daily"
                    "providers" => array:27 [ …27]
                    "aliases" => array:32 [ …32]
                  "services" => array:4 [
                    "mailgun" => array:2 [ …2]
                    "mandrill" => array:1 [ …1]
                    "ses" => array:3 [ …3]
                    "stripe" => array:3 [ …3]
                  "view" => array:2 [
                    "paths" => array:1 [ …1]
                    "compiled" => "/www/wwwroot/"
              "log" => Writer {#23 
                #monolog: Logger {#29 
                  #name: "local"
                  #handlers: array:1 [
                    0 => RotatingFileHandler {#33 …16}
                  #processors: []
                  #microsecondTimestamps: true
                #dispatcher: Dispatcher {#5 }
                #levels: array:8 [
                  "debug" => 100
                  "info" => 200
                  "notice" => 250
                  "warning" => 300
                  "error" => 400
                  "critical" => 500
                  "alert" => 550
                  "emergency" => 600
              "db.factory" => ConnectionFactory {#88 
                #container: Application {#3}
              "db" => DatabaseManager {#22 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #factory: ConnectionFactory {#88 }
                #connections: array:1 [
                  "mysql" => MySqlConnection {#273 
                    #pdo: PDO {#274 …2}
                    #readPdo: null
                    #reconnector: Closure {#277 …5}
                    #queryGrammar: MySqlGrammar {#275 …2}
                    #schemaGrammar: null
                    #postProcessor: MySqlProcessor {#276}
                    #events: Dispatcher {#5 }
                    #fetchMode: 8
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                    #loggingQueries: false
                    #pretending: false
                    #database: "ditu"
                    #doctrineConnection: null
                    #tablePrefix: ""
                    #config: array:10 [ …10]
                #extensions: []
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate" => Gate {#90 
                #container: Application {#3}
                #userResolver: Closure {#92 
                  class: "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
                  this: AuthServiceProvider {#30 …}
                  use: array:1 [
                    "$app" => Application {#3}
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "69 to 71"
                #abilities: []
                #policies: array:1 [
                  "App\Model" => "App\Policies\ModelPolicy"
                #beforeCallbacks: []
                #afterCallbacks: []
              "routes" => RouteCollection {#26 
                #routes: array:6 [
                  "GET" => array:123 [
                    "" => Route {#100 
                      #uri: "/"
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                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: CompiledRoute {#251 …8}
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comprovince/{id}.html" => Route {#101 
                      #uri: "province/{id}.html"
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                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: CompiledRoute {#256 …8}
                      #container: Application {#3}
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                      #uri: "city/info{id}.html"
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                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: CompiledRoute {#257 …8}
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comcity/{id}.html" => Route {#103 
                      #uri: "city/{id}.html"
                      #methods: array:2 [ …2]
                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: CompiledRoute {#258 …8}
                      #container: Application {#3}
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                      #uri: "county/info{id}.html"
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                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: CompiledRoute {#259 …8}
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comcounty/{id}.html" => Route {#105 
                      #uri: "county/{id}.html"
                      #methods: array:2 [ …2]
                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: CompiledRoute {#260 …8}
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comtown/info{id}.html" => Route {#106 
                      #uri: "town/info{id}.html"
                      #methods: array:2 [ …2]
                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: CompiledRoute {#261 …8}
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comtown/{id}.html" => Route {#107 
                      #uri: "town/{id}.html"
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                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: CompiledRoute {#262 …8}
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comvillage/info{id}.html" => Route {#108 
                      #uri: "village/info{id}.html"
                      #methods: array:2 [ …2]
                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: CompiledRoute {#263 …8}
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comvillage/{id}.html" => Route {#109}
                    "www.xcditu.comcountry/{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#110 
                      #uri: "country/{id}_{page}.html"
                      #methods: array:2 [ …2]
                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: null
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comcountry/{id}.html" => Route {#111 
                      #uri: "country/{id}.html"
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                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: null
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comtourist/{id}.html" => Route {#112 
                      #uri: "tourist/{id}.html"
                      #methods: array:2 [ …2]
                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                      #parameterNames: null
                      #compiled: null
                      #container: Application {#3}
                    "www.xcditu.comworld" => Route {#113 
                      #uri: "world"
                      #methods: array:2 [ …2]
                      #action: array:6 [ …6]
                      #defaults: []
                      #wheres: []
                      #parameters: null
                    "www.xcditu.comchinamap" => Route {#114 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comchinaprovince/{id}.html" => Route {#115 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comchinacity/{id}.html" => Route {#116 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comchinacounty/{id}.html" => Route {#117 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.combaidu" => Route {#118 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.combaidu/ditu_{id}_{type}.html" => Route {#119 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comview" => Route {#120 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comview/province_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#121 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comview/city_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#122 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comview/county_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#123 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comview/{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#124 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comview/{id}.html" => Route {#125 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comnews" => Route {#126 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comnews/province_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#127 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comnews/city_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#128 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comnews/county_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#129 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comnews/town_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#130 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comnews/{url}.html" => Route {#131 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comwz" => Route {#132 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comwz/{date1}/{id}.html" => Route {#133 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comwz/list_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#134 …9}
                    "www.xcditu.comcount" => Route {#135 …9}
                    "" => Route {#136 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comprovince/{id}.html" => Route {#137 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comcity/info{id}.html" => Route {#138 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comcity/{id}.html" => Route {#139 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comcounty/info{id}.html" => Route {#140 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comcounty/{id}.html" => Route {#141 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comtown/info{id}.html" => Route {#142 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comtown/{id}.html" => Route {#143 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comvillage/info{id}.html" => Route {#144 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comvillage/{id}.html" => Route {#145 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comcountry/{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#146 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comcountry/{id}.html" => Route {#147 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comtourist/{id}.html" => Route {#148 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comworld" => Route {#149 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comchinamap" => Route {#150 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comchinaprovince/{id}.html" => Route {#151 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comchinacity/{id}.html" => Route {#152 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comchinacounty/{id}.html" => Route {#153 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.combaidu" => Route {#154 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.combaidu/ditu_{id}_{type}.html" => Route {#155 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comview" => Route {#156 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comview/province_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#157 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comview/city_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#158 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comview/county_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#159 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comview/{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#160 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comview/{id}.html" => Route {#161 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comnews" => Route {#162 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comnews/province_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#163 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comnews/city_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#164 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comnews/county_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#165 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comnews/{url}.html" => Route {#166 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comwz" => Route {#167 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comwz/{date1}/{id}.html" => Route {#168 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comwz/list_{id}_{page}.html" => Route {#169 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comjson/wx_json" => Route {#170 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comtj/count" => Route {#171 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comtj/article_auto" => Route {#172 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comtj/article_auto_list" => Route {#173 …9}
                    "m.xcditu.comcount" => Route {#174 …9}
                    "" => Route {#175 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/shilaji.html" => Route {#176 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/shilaji_{page}.html" => Route {#177 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/ganlaji.html" => Route {#178 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/ganlaji_{page}.html" => Route {#179 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/kehuishouwu.html" => Route {#180 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/kehuishouwu_{page}.html" => Route {#181 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/youhailaji.html" => Route {#182 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/youhailaji_{page}.html" => Route {#183 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/shilaji.html" => Route {#184 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/shilaji_{page}.html" => Route {#185 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/ganlaji.html" => Route {#186 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/ganlaji_{page}.html" => Route {#187 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/kehuishouwu.html" => Route {#188 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/kehuishouwu_{page}.html" => Route {#189 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/youhailaji.html" => Route {#190 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/youhailaji_{page}.html" => Route {#191 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/search/{search}" => Route {#192 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/search" => Route {#193 …9}
                    "trash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/search/{search}" => Route {#194 …9}
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                  "DELETEtrash.xcditu.comtrash/search" => Route {#193 …9}
                  "DELETEtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/search/{search}" => Route {#194 …9}
                  "DELETEtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/search" => Route {#195 …9}
                  "HEADtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}.html" => Route {#196 …9}
                  "HEADtrash.xcditu.comtrashlist/{citypinyin}/{pinyin}.html" => Route {#197 …9}
                  "HEADtrash.xcditu.comtrashlist/{pinyin}.html" => Route {#198 …9}
                  "" => Route {#199 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/shilaji.html" => Route {#200 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/shilaji_{page}.html" => Route {#201 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/ganlaji.html" => Route {#202 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/ganlaji_{page}.html" => Route {#203 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/kehuishouwu.html" => Route {#204 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/kehuishouwu_{page}.html" => Route {#205 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/youhailaji.html" => Route {#206 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/youhailaji_{page}.html" => Route {#207 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/shilaji.html" => Route {#208 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/shilaji_{page}.html" => Route {#209 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/ganlaji.html" => Route {#210 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/ganlaji_{page}.html" => Route {#211 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/kehuishouwu.html" => Route {#212 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/kehuishouwu_{page}.html" => Route {#213 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/youhailaji.html" => Route {#214 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/youhailaji_{page}.html" => Route {#215 …9}
                  "DELETEmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/search/{search}" => Route {#216 …9}
                  "DELETEmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/search" => Route {#217 …9}
                  "DELETEmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/search/{search}" => Route {#218 …9}
                  "DELETEmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}/search" => Route {#219 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrash/{citypinyin}.html" => Route {#220 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrashlist/{citypinyin}/{pinyin}.html" => Route {#221 …9}
                  "HEADmtrash.xcditu.comtrashlist/{pinyin}.html" => Route {#222 …9}
                #nameList: array:4 [
                  "shilaji" => Route {#209 …9}
                  "ganlaji" => Route {#211 …9}
                  "kehuishouwu" => Route {#213 …9}
                  "youhailaji" => Route {#215 …9}
                #actionList: array:90 [
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@index" => Route {#100 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@province" => Route {#101 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwInfoController@city" => Route {#102 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@city" => Route {#103 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwInfoController@county" => Route {#104 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@county" => Route {#105 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwInfoController@town" => Route {#106 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@town" => Route {#107 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwInfoController@village" => Route {#108 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@village" => Route {#109}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@country" => Route {#111 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@tourist" => Route {#112 }
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@world" => Route {#113  …3}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@chinamap" => Route {#114 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@china_province" => Route {#115 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@china_city" => Route {#116 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController@china_county" => Route {#117 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwBaiduController@index" => Route {#118 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwBaiduController@ditu" => Route {#119 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwJdController@index" => Route {#120 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwJdController@province_viewlist" => Route {#121 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwJdController@city_viewlist" => Route {#122 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwJdController@county_viewlist" => Route {#123 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwJdController@view" => Route {#125 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwNewsController@index" => Route {#126 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwNewsController@province_newslist" => Route {#127 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwNewsController@city_newslist" => Route {#128 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwNewsController@county_newslist" => Route {#129 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwNewsController@town_newslist" => Route {#130 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwNewsController@news" => Route {#131 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwWzController@index" => Route {#132 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwWzController@wz" => Route {#133 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwWzController@list1" => Route {#134 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\CountController@count" => Route {#174 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@index" => Route {#136 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@province" => Route {#137 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileInfoController@city" => Route {#138 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@city" => Route {#139 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileInfoController@county" => Route {#140 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@county" => Route {#141 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileInfoController@town" => Route {#142 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@town" => Route {#143 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileInfoController@village" => Route {#144 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@village" => Route {#145 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@country" => Route {#147 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@tourist" => Route {#148 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@world" => Route {#149 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@chinamap" => Route {#150 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@china_province" => Route {#151 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@china_city" => Route {#152 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileDituController@china_county" => Route {#153 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileBaiduController@index" => Route {#154 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileBaiduController@ditu" => Route {#155 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileJdController@index" => Route {#156 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileJdController@province_viewlist" => Route {#157 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileJdController@city_viewlist" => Route {#158 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileJdController@county_viewlist" => Route {#159 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileJdController@view" => Route {#161 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileNewsController@index" => Route {#162 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileNewsController@province_newslist" => Route {#163 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileNewsController@city_newslist" => Route {#164 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileNewsController@county_newslist" => Route {#165 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileNewsController@news" => Route {#166 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileWzController@index" => Route {#167 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileWzController@wz" => Route {#168 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileWzController@list1" => Route {#169 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileWzController@wxjson" => Route {#170 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\TJController@count" => Route {#171 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\TJController@article_auto" => Route {#172 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\TJController@article_auto_list" => Route {#173 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@index" => Route {#175 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@lajifenlei" => Route {#183 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@citylajifenlei" => Route {#191 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@search1" => Route {#192 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@search" => Route {#193 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@citysearch1" => Route {#194 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@citysearch" => Route {#195 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@citytrash" => Route {#196 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@citytrashmain" => Route {#197 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\WwwTrashController@trashmain" => Route {#198 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@index" => Route {#199 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@lajifenlei" => Route {#207 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@citylajifenlei" => Route {#215 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@search1" => Route {#216 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@search" => Route {#217 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@citysearch1" => Route {#218 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@citysearch" => Route {#219 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@citytrash" => Route {#220 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@citytrashmain" => Route {#221 …9}
                  "App\Http\Controllers\MobileTrashController@trashmain" => Route {#222 …9}
              "files" => Filesystem {#97}
              "encrypter" => Encrypter {#234 
                #cipher: "AES-256-CBC"
                #key: "9eouBiquqivUczhGXRvVe7qtnXbpJx7V"
              "cookie" => CookieJar {#236 
                #path: "/"
                #domain: null
                #secure: false
                #queued: []
              "session" => SessionManager {#238 
                #app: Application {#3}
                #customCreators: []
                #drivers: array:1 [
                  "file" => Store {#223 }
              "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession" => StartSession {#237 
                #manager: SessionManager {#238 }
                #sessionHandled: true
              "view.engine.resolver" => EngineResolver {#243 
                #resolvers: array:2 [
                  "php" => Closure {#244 …4}
                  "blade" => Closure {#246 …5}
                #resolved: []
              "view" => Factory {#248 
                #engines: EngineResolver {#243 }
                #finder: FileViewFinder {#247 
                  #files: Filesystem {#97}
                  #paths: array:1 [
                    0 => "/www/wwwroot/"
                  #views: []
                  #hints: []
                  #extensions: array:2 [
                    0 => "blade.php"
                    1 => "php"
                #events: Dispatcher {#5 }
                #container: Application {#3}
                #shared: array:3 [
                  "__env" => Factory {#248}
                  "app" => Application {#3}
                  "errors" => ViewErrorBag {#241 
                    #bags: []
                #aliases: []
                #names: []
                #extensions: array:2 [
                  "blade.php" => "blade"
                  "php" => "php"
                #composers: []
                #sections: []
                #sectionStack: []
                #renderCount: 0
              "Illuminate\Routing\Route" => Route {#109}
              "illuminate.route.dispatcher" => ControllerDispatcher {#268 …}
            #aliases: array:59 [
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Application" => "app"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container" => "app"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application" => "app"
              "Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager" => "auth"
              "Illuminate\Auth\Guard" => "auth.driver"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard" => "auth.driver"
              "Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\TokenRepositoryInterface" => "auth.password.tokens"
              "Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler" => "blade.compiler"
              "Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager" => "cache"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Factory" => "cache"
              "Illuminate\Cache\Repository" => ""
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository" => ""
              "Illuminate\Config\Repository" => "config"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository" => "config"
              "Illuminate\Cookie\CookieJar" => "cookie"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie\Factory" => "cookie"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie\QueueingFactory" => "cookie"
              "Illuminate\Encryption\Encrypter" => "encrypter"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\Encrypter" => "encrypter"
              "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager" => "db"
              "Illuminate\Database\Connection" => "db.connection"
              "Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface" => "db.connection"
              "Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher" => "events"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher" => "events"
              "Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem" => "files"
              "Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemManager" => "filesystem"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Factory" => "filesystem"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem" => "filesystem.disk"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Cloud" => ""
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing\Hasher" => "hash"
              "Illuminate\Translation\Translator" => "translator"
              "Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface" => "translator"
              "Illuminate\Log\Writer" => "log"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Logging\Log" => "log"
              "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface" => "log"
              "Illuminate\Mail\Mailer" => "mailer"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailer" => "mailer"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\MailQueue" => "mailer"
              "Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordBroker" => "auth.password"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\PasswordBroker" => "auth.password"
              "Illuminate\Queue\QueueManager" => "queue"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Factory" => "queue"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Monitor" => "queue"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue" => "queue.connection"
              "Illuminate\Routing\Redirector" => "redirect"
              "Illuminate\Redis\Database" => "redis"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Redis\Database" => "redis"
              "Illuminate\Http\Request" => "request"
              "Illuminate\Routing\Router" => "router"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\Registrar" => "router"
              "Illuminate\Session\SessionManager" => "session"
              "Illuminate\Session\Store" => ""
              "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface" => ""
              "Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator" => "url"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlGenerator" => "url"
              "Illuminate\Validation\Factory" => "validator"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Factory" => "validator"
              "Illuminate\View\Factory" => "view"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory" => "view"
            #extenders: []
            #tags: []
            #buildStack: []
            +contextual: []
            #reboundCallbacks: array:2 [
              "request" => array:2 [
                0 => Closure {#47 
                  class: "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
                  this: AuthServiceProvider {#30 …}
                  parameters: array:2 [ …2]
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "82 to 86"
                1 => Closure {#91 
                  class: "Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider"
                  this: RoutingServiceProvider {#7 }
                  parameters: array:2 [ …2]
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "86 to 88"
              "routes" => array:1 [
                0 => Closure {#96 
                  class: "Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider"
                  this: RoutingServiceProvider {#7 }
                  parameters: array:2 [ …2]
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "71 to 73"
            #globalResolvingCallbacks: []
            #globalAfterResolvingCallbacks: []
            #resolvingCallbacks: array:1 [
              "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest" => array:1 [
                0 => Closure {#239 
                  class: "Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FormRequestServiceProvider"
                  this: FormRequestServiceProvider {#68 }
                  parameters: array:2 [ …2]
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "30 to 34"
            #afterResolvingCallbacks: array:1 [
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ValidatesWhenResolved" => array:1 [
                0 => Closure {#77 
                  class: "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider"
                  this: ValidationServiceProvider {#76 }
                  parameters: array:1 [ …1]
                  file: "/www/wwwroot/"
                  line: "31 to 33"
        2 => & "village"
    5 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    6 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#271 
          class: "Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher"
          this: ControllerDispatcher {#268 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$request" => []
          use: array:3 [
            "$instance" => WwwDituController {#270 }
            "$route" => Route {#109 }
            "$method" => "village"
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "110 to 114"
        1 => Request {#40 }
    7 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    8 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#272 
          class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
          this: Pipeline {#269 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$passable" => []
          use: array:1 [
            "$destination" => Closure {#271 }
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "138 to 140"
        1 => Request {#40 }
    9 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Closure {#271 }
    10 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->callWithinStack()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:4 [
        0 => WwwDituController {#270 }
        1 => Route {#109 }
        2 => Request {#40 }
        3 => & "village"
    11 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher->dispatch()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:4 [
        0 => Route {#109 }
        1 => Request {#40 }
        2 => & "App\Http\Controllers\WwwDituController"
        3 => & "village"
    12 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Routing\Route->runWithCustomDispatcher()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    13 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Routing\Route->run()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    14 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Routing\Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    15 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#267 
          class: "Illuminate\Routing\Router"
          this: Router {#24 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$request" => []
          use: array:1 [
            "$route" => Route {#109 }
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "705 to 710"
        1 => Request {#40 }
    16 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    17 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#266 
          class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
          this: Pipeline {#265 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$passable" => []
          use: array:1 [
            "$destination" => Closure {#267 }
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "138 to 140"
        1 => Request {#40 }
    18 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Closure {#267 }
    19 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Routing\Router->runRouteWithinStack()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Route {#109 }
        1 => Request {#40 }
    20 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatchToRoute()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    21 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Routing\Router->dispatch()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    22 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    23 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#32 
          class: "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel"
          this: Kernel {#25 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$request" => []
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "233 to 237"
        1 => Request {#40 }
    24 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    25 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken->handle()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
        1 => Closure {#98 
          class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
          this: Pipeline {#39 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$passable" => []
          use: array:1 [
            "$destination" => Closure {#32 }
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "138 to 140"
    26 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func_array()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => & array:2 [
          0 => VerifyCsrfToken {#250 
            #except: array:2 [
              0 => "/tj/article_auto*"
              1 => "/tj/article_auto_list*"
            #encrypter: Encrypter {#234 }
          1 => "handle"
        1 => & array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40 }
          1 => Closure {#98 }
    27 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    28 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession->handle()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
        1 => Closure {#224 
          class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
          this: Pipeline {#39 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$passable" => []
          use: array:2 [
            "$stack" => Closure {#98 }
            "$pipe" => "App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken"
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "114 to 126"
    29 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func_array()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => & array:2 [
          0 => ShareErrorsFromSession {#242 
            #view: Factory {#248 }
          1 => "handle"
        1 => & array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40 }
          1 => Closure {#224 }
    30 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    31 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession->handle()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
        1 => Closure {#225 
          class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
          this: Pipeline {#39 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$passable" => []
          use: array:2 [
            "$stack" => Closure {#224 }
            "$pipe" => "Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession"
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "114 to 126"
    32 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func_array()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => & array:2 [
          0 => StartSession {#237 }
          1 => "handle"
        1 => & array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40 }
          1 => Closure {#225 }
    33 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    34 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
        1 => Closure {#226 
          class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
          this: Pipeline {#39 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$passable" => []
          use: array:2 [
            "$stack" => Closure {#225 }
            "$pipe" => "Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession"
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "114 to 126"
    35 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func_array()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => & array:2 [
          0 => AddQueuedCookiesToResponse {#235 
            #cookies: CookieJar {#236 }
          1 => "handle"
        1 => & array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40 }
          1 => Closure {#226 }
    36 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    37 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies->handle()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
        1 => Closure {#227 
          class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
          this: Pipeline {#39 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$passable" => []
          use: array:2 [
            "$stack" => Closure {#226 }
            "$pipe" => "Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse"
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "114 to 126"
    38 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func_array()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => & array:2 [
          0 => EncryptCookies {#233 
            #except: []
            #encrypter: Encrypter {#234 }
          1 => "handle"
        1 => & array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40 }
          1 => Closure {#227 }
    39 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    40 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
        1 => Closure {#228 
          class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
          this: Pipeline {#39 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$passable" => []
          use: array:2 [
            "$stack" => Closure {#227 }
            "$pipe" => "App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies"
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "114 to 126"
    41 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func_array()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => & array:2 [
          0 => CheckForMaintenanceMode {#232 
            #app: Application {#3 }
          1 => "handle"
        1 => & array:2 [
          0 => Request {#40 }
          1 => Closure {#228 }
    42 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}()"
      "file" => ""
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    43 => array:3 [
      "call" => "call_user_func()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:2 [
        0 => Closure {#229 
          class: "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline"
          this: Pipeline {#39 …}
          parameters: array:1 [
            "$passable" => []
          use: array:2 [
            "$stack" => Closure {#228 }
            "$pipe" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode"
          file: "/www/wwwroot/"
          line: "114 to 126"
        1 => Request {#40 }
    44 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->then()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Closure {#32 }
    45 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }
    46 => array:3 [
      "call" => "Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel->handle()"
      "file" => "/www/wwwroot/"
      "args" => array:1 [
        0 => Request {#40 }