Tai PoDistrictIntroduction:Tai Po District is one of the 18 districts of Hong Kong. It is in the eastern part of the New Territories. It covers Tai Po, Tai Po Estate, Ting Kok, Wan Wan and some of the northern part of the Sai Kung Peninsula. About 14聽800 hectares are Hong Kong. The second largest administrative region. Tai Po District is located in the central part of the New Territories, from Tai Po Estate in the south, to Pat Sin Leng in the north, Tai Kwai Estate in the Western Harbour, and Tolo Harbour in the east. It includes the fourteen townships on the opposite side of Sai Kung North, the Wong Chuk Estate and the Islands Tower, Ping Chau and Chi Chau. According to the statistics of the Government in 2001, there are 310,879 people in Tai Po District. They are mainly concentrated in the six major public rental estates and tenants estate estate estates, and near the Old Market and Tai Po Market Station near Tai Wo Station. In the private housing estates of the New Market, there are also many residents scattered in 133 villages in the district. In 2005, the WHO confirmed Tai Po as the “safe community” as the 90th safe community in the world and the third safe community in Hong Kong.