Highlights of the eleventh issue. 探秘云南生命之旅

来源: 云南旅游文化时报 | 时间:2016-12-12


FOCUS | 焦点

Explore the mystery of life in Yunnan


Reproduction worship is an incarnation of people’s eulogy on, yearning and prostration for the reproductive ability of all creatures. As a primitive and simple custom,it is not only a symbol of ancient people’s pursuit of happiness and prosperity, but also the root of Chinese pristine culture.

Continuing fertility worship in modern times enables people to understand the relationship between nature and human procreation and learn to keep a sense of awe for nature and the miracle of life. Now let’s take a journey to experience life, enjoy life, and transcend life.




Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys:

Creatures on snow mountains

雪山精灵 滇金丝猴

1980s, only the monkey’s fur could be seen but not the monkey itself . Yet small populations of this monkey survived and now, after over three decades’ effort at Yunnan’s Snub-nosed Monkey Reserve, there are thirteen Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkey subpopulations—in a total around 2,000. Baima Snow Mountain Nature Reserve hosts about 1,500 Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys in eight subpopulations, accounting for around 70% of the total.

从“只见皮张不见猴”的19 世纪末到“杳无音讯”的20 世纪80年代,近100 年间,人们都认为滇金丝猴这个珍稀物种已经灭绝。但经过滇金丝猴保护区30 多年的管护,滇金丝猴现已逐步发展到了13个种群约2000 余只,其中白马雪山国家级自然保护区内就有8 个种群约1500 只,占整个种群数量的70%。

Village | 村寨

Yi Village in Mountains


The Yunnan Annuals contains the description that “Living in mountains, the Chesu people reclaim mountains into field, grow buckwheat mixed with barn grass in fields on hills without irrigation works. Because of the infertility of barren fields, they have to migrate once every year adapting to the mountain terrains for survival. In their free time, they go hunting.” Upper Kongdan Village,Longtan Township, Yuanjiang County, Yuxi City, not well known but rich in both magnificent scenery and ethnic customs, is inhabited by the Niesu people, abranch of the Black Yi people.



A date with the black-headed gulls


Since 1985, tourists and residents have coexisted harmoniously with the black-headed gulls, the two species come in close contact near Kunming’s Dianchi Lake and Green Lake each winter. Scenes of Kunming winter including the black-headed gulls, the city’s annual visitors, have become a iconic scene of this city.



Liao Ligeng: master of Miao embroidery

廖力耕: 苗绣男教师

“Miao embroidery is adept at using ever-changing and exaggerative shapes and unique craftwork, to depict figures, animals and plants with different methods, such as plaited, crepe, ripped and cross-stitch work. It demonstrates the infinite creativity of the Miao people, in bringing forth elegance from simplicity, and injecting new vigor to traditional art.”


“War Jacket” from a veteran of the Flying Tigers


      A pilot of the U.S. 14th Air Force during World War II, ChenBingjing had shot down enemy aircrafts, was injured and captured. He was tortured in POW camps in Hanoi, Vietnam, Shanghai and Nanjing. Later in August 1945,Chen Bingjing was released from prison and regained his freedom. Chen clearly remembered back then that the Japanese Shōsa held Chen’s blood-stained pilot’s jacket in his hands, which was taken when he was first captured, and bowed deeply, returning to Chen his jacket.

      陈炳靖,二战期间美国第14 航空队飞行员。他曾击落日军战机,却不幸受伤被俘,先后在越南河内,中国上海、南京的战俘营受过摧残。1945 年8 月,陈炳靖被释放出狱,重获自由。陈炳靖清楚地记得,当时,日军少佐双手托举他入狱时被换下的沾满血迹的飞行夹克,向他90 度鞠躬,把夹克送上。


Yunnan Arabica Coffee


Over a century ago, a French missionary whose Chinese name was Tian Deneng came to Zhugula village in west Yunnan alone to missionize. He was used to drinking coffee so he planted coffee seedlings around the church without realizing this was the beginning of Yunnan coffee. More than a century later, Yunnan coffee has become a drink extensively accepted by the world market and has been exported to countries like Germany, UK, the US and so on through land, sea and air channels.



Kaiyuan Root Carving


      It is said: “The best root carving of China is in Yunnan Province, the best root carving of Yunnan is in Honghe, and the best root carving of Honghe is in Kaiyuan”. In Kaiyuan, tree roots and bamboo canes provide a natural medium, and carvers follow their natural forms and textures when embedding meanings and emotions in them through figurative and abstract styles. The most prolific andtalented have created many masterpieces, notable for artistry and or namental value, full of interest and charm, truly amazing in effect.


FOOD | 美食

Wuliang Mountains black-bone chicken


In his masterpiece Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, a martial arts fiction, the renowned Chinese writer Mr. Jin Yong depicted vividly the mysterious and vast Wuliang Mountains, which appeals to readers from all over China. As we drove off the county seat of Nanjian in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture along the road, we found ourselves surrounded by rows of mountains, about over 10km to 60km far away, in which black-bone chickens are commonly raised. If you ever get a bite of the delicious meat of blackbone chickens that can fly, you will definitely label Mount Wuliang as a place of “delicacy”.

你一定听说过无量山,金庸先生的《天龙八部》里无量山苍莽神秘,让人无限向往。沿着公路出了大理州南涧县县城,上山入谷,目力所及,群山绵延起伏。近则10 余公里,远则60 余公里,很多山头上都养着远近闻名的无量山乌骨鸡。享用过无量山上味道绝佳的、会飞的乌骨鸡后,你一定会给无量山增加一个“好吃”的标签。

